Fast pace of life, stress, bad eating habits, lack of physical activities, office work… All of these (and many more) may badly influence our organism. These factors might either make us fat or extremely thin. Calculate your BMI and see for yourself whether your body mass is just O.K., or do you suffer from obesity or underweight.
BMI is an abbreviation that stands for Body Mass Index
. The very index is calculated thanks to the follwing mathematical pattern: body mass (expressed in kilograms) divided by height (expressed by square meters of inches). To demonstrate, BMI of a women weighting 52 kilograms having 1,65 meters equals 19.10 since 52 / (1,65 x 1,65) = 19.10. If you do not want to calculate your BMI using a pen and paper, you can make use of BMI calculators available on the Internet (funny fact: BMI calculator is na invention of World Health Organisation).
Why should I calculate my BMI? First of all, thanks to setting our Body Mass Index, it will be easier to establish accurate diagnosis whether you suffer from obesity (of which degree in particuar) or underweight. It is worth pointing out that BMI calculator will never present actual data for pregnant women, sportsmen, the elder and the under-age.
How to read BMI calculator results? First of all, you are underweight when the calculations equals 18,5. In this case you have to increase your body weight immediately. Remember, eating fast foods is not a solution. Ask for advice a dietitian or your general practitioner. In general, underweight exposes your health to hazard. This may its consequences in many serious diseases and disorders affecting the entire body. Causes of underweight are AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer, parasites or hyperthyroidism, to name just a few. If your BMI fluctuates between 18,5 and 24,9 ten your weight is accurate. 25 – 29,9 indicates overweight. Obviously, people affected by this ailment should cut down on sugar and fat consumption. Overweight is responsible for heart and liver disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, haemorrhoids and varicose veins. BMI 30 – 34,9 indicates 1st degree obesity, 35 – 39,9 indicates 2nd degree obesity and BMI above 40 signalizes 3rd degree obesity. What is also crucial to point out, the percentage of fatty tissue in a body is different in both sexes. To demonstrate, from medical pint of view a woman is obese when more then 25% of her body mass belongs to fatty tissue. When it comes to men, they cannot have more than 20% of the fatty tissue accumulated under their skin if they do not want to be categorized as obese.
Once again, obesity is a serious disease that should and can be conquered. If you want to stay away from circulatory system diseases, diabetes, apnoea, cancers, bone and joint inflammation ask proffesionalists for pieces of advice connected with healthy and reasonable diet. Ask them also how to develop right eating habits. And remember, obesity makes lives drastically shorter!